Sunday, November 10, 2019

Crochet a Prosperity Purse

Here is a crochet pattern for a purse that also comes with a spell and a blessing to turn it into a magical tool to draw prosperity:

- Size H hook
- Size J hook
- 2 balls of Lily Sugar & Cream cotton yarn in Dark Pine, 00016
- 100” in length of  ½” wide ribbon in a metallic gold color
- Yarn Needle
- Dark Green Thread
- Regular Needle
- 1” Button

With larger hook (J), chain 36.
Row 1: With smaller hook (H), single crochet in second chain from hook and in each chain afterward up to the end. (35 stitches) When each row is complete, say, “With every row, my wealth does grow.”
Row 2: Chain 1 and turn. Single crochet in each stitch up to the end. (35 stitches)
Row 3 and After: Repeat Row 2 until the fabric measures 17” in length.
Buttonhole Row: Single crochet 15. Chain 5. Skip 5 single crochets in row below, then single crochet 15.
Finishing Rows: Repeat Row 2 until fabric measures 18” in length.
Fold up the bottom piece of the fabric 6” and sew the sides together. Fold down the top 6” of fabric to form a flap.
Sew button on while saying, “With every stitch, I grow rich.”

With larger hook (J), make a chain 96” long.
Row 1: With smaller hook (H), double crochet in third chain from hook.*Chain 2. Skip 2 chains in row below, double crochet 1*. Repeat from *to* up to the end.
Weave ribbon through the strap all the while saying, “As I weave, so shall I receive.”
Sew strap to interior sides of purse.

Create a prosperity altar and place your completed purse upon it during the waxing or full moon. Anoint the purse with oil of Cinnamon or pass it through the smoke of Cinnamon scented incense.

Dear beloved Goddess,
I present this purse for you to bless.
From your endless supply,
Send me great wealth and let it multiply.
Grant me a steady income
And let it be a tidy sum.
May your blessings disburse
Directly into this purse.
By the power of three times three,
So mote it be.

By Evelyn Dodson

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